Week In Review: Vol. 4

lucilleball regret quote

New York, New York

This week I've been in New York and it's been tiring, rewarding, exciting, frustrating and exhilarating in true New York fashion.  Having lived here for 12 years, this city evokes such emotion whenever I'm back, all the more so considering I'm in the midst of a tremendous transition in my life.When I moved to California just over a year ago, I was excited to be starting a new journey and a bit relieved at the thought of living life at a more relaxed pace.  New York takes everything you've got and by the time I packed my bags and moved away, I was worn out!  However, nearly as soon as I arrived back in my high school bedroom, I felt that things just weren't quite right.  Yes, there is nothing like being home and I am so grateful that I now live so close to my family.  Plus, I am now a homeowner, which most definitely would not have happened in New York.  I've had more free time to explore my passions and hobbies.  But the trade off is that I'm not living in a city that I love and the personality of the Bay Area just doesn't fit mine.I was at dinner a couple of nights ago with a friend and she asked me if I regretted moving away from New York.  The easy (and unfair) answer would be to scream YES!  I miss the intensity, the grit, the glamour, the buzz, the attitude, the changing seasons, the cabs, the parties and, most of all, I miss my friends.  But on second thought, I don't regret taking chance that I'd been wanting to take for years.  I'd never pictured myself growing old in New York and had long talked about moving back to California.  So, in that sense, I am glad that I made the move, if for no other reason then to cross something off my list.Now, I can move onto the next thing on my list.[line]

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