Top 5: Beauty Resolutions

Resolving to eat healthier, workout more, or score that dream job are great goals, and I'm all for personal improvement, but being the goal-oriented over-achiever that I am, I also make beauty resolutions.  Here are my beauty-based resolutions for 2015 (in no particular order):1. Find a signature look.  In college, there was a girl who wore red lipstick every single day.  It didn't matter if she was wearing sweats or a sundress; she stayed rocking that red lipstick.  Years later, I don't remember much about her, but I still remember the red lipstick.  Having a signature look shows that you're confident enough to wear your hair or makeup in a certain way regardless of the trend of the moment.  It's also super memorable (and easy!).  I'm thinking of winged eyeliner.2. Perfect the wash-n-style.  Once upon a time, I was really good at straightening my hair.  Like, really good.  Somewhere along the way, I totally lost this skill and struggle to do my hair on my own.  I blame the decline in the quality of flat irons.  My goal is to find the right products and tools to do my hair and not have it look like a DIY project gone wrong.3. Regular maintenance.  Sadly, this was a resolution last year also, but I really want to get in the habit of regularly doing my nails and eyebrows (or getting them done!).  I'm so over the last minute struggle to look presentable for an event, and we all know that if you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready.  Bonus points for anyone who knows this song :-)4. More YouTube videos.  I filmed my first YouTube video a couple weeks ago, and while the sound of my own voice still makes me cringe (do I really sound like that??), it was really fun and exciting.  More to come.  Any requests?5. Embrace beauty everyday.  Being obsessed with makeup and skincare makes it easy to feel like the perfect skin/hair/eyes are just one product away.  But the truth is that beauty isn't something that can be bought, manufactured or created.  Beauty just is. It's the way you treat people and the way you make others feel.  My goal is to create and appreciate beautiful moments every day.Here's to a beautiful 2015!What are your beauty resolutions?


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