Spring To Do List: What I'm Excited For This Spring


Spring officially arrived this weekend, so now's the time for me to make my Spring To Do List.  I did a similar Spring To Do List that was all about what I was looking forward to for Spring 2015.  I think posts like these are a fun way to get excited for a new season and to plan for what I'm hoping to see, do and accomplish.

1. Volunteer

When I lived in New York, I LOVED volunteering with America Needs You, a mentoring organization that provides academic and career counseling and support to first-generation college students.  But, I've lived in the Bay for almost two years (cannot believe this), and haven't connected with another organization.  If any of you know of great non-profits in the Bay Area that could use the help of a beauty-crazed girl like me, let me know!

2. Visit Lake Tahoe

So, last year I really wanted to go skiing in Tahoe (I haven't been since high school!), but we were in the midst of a drought, so the snow was low.  I think we may technically still be in a drought, but there's been tons of snow, so I really want to hit the slopes before the season ends.

3. Organize My Life Desk

spring to do listEver since I saw this desktop over on KateLaVie, I've been feeling so triflin' for having my desk look so messy.  It's directly across from my bed, so it's one of my last sights at night and my first sights in the morning, so having it covered in papers and makeup is really not cool.  I'm trying to figure out a way to organize my things that's pretty but still practical.  Suggestions welcome!

4. Hang Pictures and Artwork

Along the theme of #3, I still have about 10 pictures that need to be hung (and a mirror too, but who's counting). Hopefully finally getting some art on my bare walls will give my condo the spring refreshing that it needs.

5. Overhaul My Wardrobe

In the last 6 months or so, my clothes have become decidedly tomboyish, which would probably sound super surprising to anyone who knows me.  I blame the uber casual Bay Area lifestyle and the fact that most of my co-workers are casual scientists, but my current wardrobe consists of jeans, sweaters and workout clothes.  Period.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE how easy and quick it is to get dressed in the morning (not to mention all the money I'm saving on dry cleaning bills), but I'm kind of in a style rut.  Look out for more wardrobe posts in the near future!What's on your Spring To Do List?  I'd love to hear what you're excited about for spring, so leave me a note in the comments!


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