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Best of beautyluxelife {Week In Review Vol. 18}

It's the start of another year and I'm also planning to make some pretty big changes to the blog, so I figured it's the perfect time to do a little look back at the best of beautyluxelife!

best of makeup

I started doing roundups of the best of certain brands, and I liked going more in-depth about what each brand has to offer.[huge_it_slider id="2"] 

best of skincare

My "Secret Ingredient" posts were my favorite because they highlighted key skincare ingredients, which hopefully makes shopping for skincare a bit less confusing.[huge_it_slider id="4"] 

best of life, lessons & learning

2015 was full of challenges for me, and at times it didn't feel right to write about makeup when so much else was going on in my life.  I hope that my musings about life were helpful, or at least interesting, for you all.[huge_it_slider id="3"]

In other news, there have been some very unexpected new developments at my job that may present an opportunity to take on the type of role that I've always wanted to try.  I'm excited and nervous about the chance to gain more responsibility at work, but think that any change is always a chance to experience something awesome.

Already it looks like 2016 is going to be full of surprises...Thanks so much for joining me on this journey and I can't wait to share the new things I have planned!