How To Build a Minimalist Makeup Wardrobe - Summer 2015


Here's a handy PDF guide for how to build a minimalist summer makeup wardrobe.  A couple of months ago I showed you how to build a minimalist clothing wardrobe (check out those posts here, here and here).  Well, I thought it might be useful to do the same thing when it comes to makeup.  It can be so easy to get caught up in all of the new product releases, but the truth is, you only need a few products to master your daily makeup routine.  Of course, this depends on how you prefer to wear your makeup as well as your lifestyle, but I put together a guide to get you started.Click below to download your guide to building a minimalist makeup wardrobe for summer![purchase_link id="1217" style="button" color="inherit" text="Download Summer 2015 Minimalist Makeup Guide"]Note: this download is only available for subscribers, so you'll be added to the blog's email list if you decide to download the guide. 


Secret Ingredient: Retinol


Week In Review: Vol. 2