The Anxious Girl's Guide to Makeup


If you follow me on Instagram, then you might remember me mentioning anxiety a couple of times in the last couple months.  Eventually I want to go all into detail on what I've been doing to make my days happier and more peaceful, but today, I just wanna talk about makeup.Mental health is a serious issue.  Anxiety is a serious issue, too.  But sometimes you just gotta laugh through the madness, so I have a little makeup survival guide for those really tough days.

1. waterproof mascara

Seriously, I could end this list right here. If you constantly feel like you're on the verge of tears, you need this. I mean, you could just go without mascara altogether. But I wouldn't advise that if you're coming off yet another sleepless night. Which brings me to number 2.

2. white or nude eyeliner

Now, if you're a longtime reader, you may remember when I used to talk about this Rimmel London nude eyeliner all the time. I haven't mentioned it much lately, but I still love it. If you have fair skin, a white eyeliner works. On my skintone, I think a beige liner is less dramatic. When you line the inner rim of your lower lash line, you instantly open up your eyes. Comes in handy if you've been up all night (so I've heard).

3. liquid luminizer

Again, this is all about looking alive and awake and fresh. Which can be hard enough as is, but when you add worrying about a zombie attack or obsessing about making small talk at work, it's damn impossible. Now that it's summer, it's the perfect time to pull out one of these luminizers.  You could be subtle and just pat it on your cheekbones, or you could not be subtle and put it all over your face.  Do you.


4. pretty blush

Nothing disguises a flush of embarrassment like a pretty brush, right?  A bright blush is also a good option if you need to perk up your face a bit.  I think cream blushes are definitely the best best for something like this because the goal is natural and glowy.  I talked about how to wear cream blush in this post.

I hope this little guide brought some light to what can be a pretty heavy topic :-)People always ask me why I'm into makeup and one of the reasons is that it's so relaxing to me.  What about you?


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