One Year of Lessons from CVTD Beauty | Side Hustle Saturday


I started my online clean beauty boutique CVTD Beauty a little over a year ago, and it's been a riiiiide. For some reason, I thought that I'd set up a website and *poof* just like that I'd be flooded with orders. To say I was wrong is a huge understatement.

Don't get me wrong, CVTD Beauty has been steadily growing every single month, but this definitely isn't a business that "runs itself." Every single sale takes effort, which is why I appreciate the support that I've gotten from you guys!

Support comes in many forms. It's not just making purchases at my store (obviously that's amazing though). Support is liking and sharing my social media content. It's engaging with my YouTube videos that feature products from CVTD Beauty. It's sharing your feedback on the products that I carry and offering suggests on products that I should add to my store. It's chatting with me when I'm at a pop-up market. It's spreading the word about my site, and so much more, and I appreciate every bit of it.

I like to be transparent about my entrepreneurship journey, and I've also been making a conscious effort to focus on gratitude. So, here's a list of the lessons that I've learned thus far. Thanks again for all your support, and I can't wait to see how my business grows and what lessons I'll learn in 2019.

  1. A little marketing goes a long way. When I first started CVTD Beauty, I assumed that the awesomeness of my products would speak for itself. Since I'd spent so much time researching products and learning about ingredients, the virtues of these products was crystal clear to me. However, since I carry smaller, independent brands, I realized that a little education may not be a bad thing. The same holds true for any endeavor. Sometimes we're so close to our project that we assume people see what we see, but they usually don't. It can be uncomfortable to talk about yourself (especially if it's something very meaningful) but people who support you usually don't mind.
  2. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. And keep on stepping. Starting a new business or taking any big step is scary. Sometimes it can be so stressful and scary to take that first step that we stop after that first step. It's like, "OK, I did it and now I'm done being bold." I've learned that the first step is just that. It'll only take you so far. I felt so far out of my depth after I started CVTD Beauty, and I felt like any other risks were too much to handle. Over time, I got a little more brave and was able to take a few more steps. I attended an entrepreneurship event hosted by an amazing Black women's business community and that led me to my most successful pop up event this year.
  3. Like many things, CVTD Beauty is better IRL. I don't think any business can be successful without a stand out digital presence. But we all know that no website or IG post can replicate the experience of connecting with someone in person and talking about beauty. Plus, getting to meet people in real life and chat about my business has been incredibly gratifying and reinvigorating. It reminds me of my "why." Connecting with people in person helps me feel less like I'm on a solo journey and more like I'm part of a community.
  4. Everything takes longer than expected. Everything. I've learned to build a buffer around all of my timelines, and then build a buffer around that. I know it's important to be timely and build momentum around new product launches. However, sometimes haste makes waste. I've had to be flexible with deadlines to accommodate all those unexpected delays.
  5. Consistency is everything. This is something I'm still working on (as you may have noticed by my irregular posting schedule). I think it's easy to get seduced by the idea that you'll get hit with a stroke of luck that will catapult you to the next level. Realistically, success comes from consistently creating your own luck. Whenever I'm not in the mood to take new images or work on a social media plan, I think about this quote:

“I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.”

Pearl S. Buck

The best thing about starting my own business has been challenging myself to take the risk of pursuing my passion. I feel so grateful to have the time, support and means to go after my dreams. I can't wait to see what we'll all accomplish in 2019.