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What I'm Reading Vol. 4

whatimreadingI absolutely loved the movie The Devil Wears Prada, so I picked up a copy of the sequel, Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns, a few months ago at an airport bookstore.  I finally got around to reading it, and it is so good!  Lauren Weisberger is a great writer and it's such a quick and funny read.  This is chick-lit at its best!Margaret Atwood is a well-known and prolific author, but I hadn't read any of her work until reading The Handmaid's Tale about a month ago.  I am a sucker for dystopian novels, and this one is so engrossing and interesting.  It's definitely one of those books that you're trying to figure out the whole time, but the ending was so satisfying.  I hate when I get to the end of a book and am left thinking, "Really?"  There's none of that here, and the end is just so clever that I recommend this whole-heartedly to any science-fiction lover.Lastly, I'm trying to get re-inspired to keep decorating my place, so maybe the March issue of Elle Decor will do the trick.  Kinda loving the couch on the cover, so that's a start...Like what you see?Like beautyluxelife on Facebook here.Follow along on Bloglovin' here.