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#MondayMotivation - It's Time To Start Living


I'm coming off one of those weekends where I did a ton of running around, but managed to accomplish nothing.  It's the worst.  Plus I got a bad haircut.  Like call out sick from work bad (I didn't but I really wanted to.)  But today's a new day and the start of a new week.  It's a chance to get to work on those to-do lists, email inboxes and stacks of mail.

It's Monday.  Another chance to hit "reset" and remind ourselves of what we want to accomplish today, and everyday.  It's a chance to fall back in love with our jobs and our lives. Time to realign our goals with our actions.

I'm going to re-visit my goals for this month (check last week's post here) and see what I can do to check them off my list.

Who's with me?