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May Goals: What I NEED To Accomplish This Month

It's already time for May Goals!I won't even ask where April went....but let's just say that I'm shocked that May is here.  I have so much that I want to accomplish this year, and I'm feeling like the time is passing and I don't have anything to show for it.  But before I jump into my goals for this month, here's a recap of April's Goals:

Recap: April's Goals

  1. Do some behind-the-scenes upgrades -- DONE....can you tell??
  2. Do at least one fashion / style post -- This didn't happen last month, but probably because I feel like my clothes are not super inspiring (smh).
  3. Increase my savings -- DONE. (woot woot).
  4. Update my resume and LinkedIn profile -- (half) DONE.  I updated my resume, but have yet to tackle LinkedIn.   
  5. Update my style -- See #2 above.  Definitely not done.  Not even a little.  Please share your favorite fashion blogs!  I need some inspiration.

May Goals - blog

  1. Host another giveaway!  I will announce the winner of the gift card (mentioned in this post) later today!
  2. More YouTube!  Since I've been guest posting for Karen over at MakeupAndBeautyBlog, I've been super busy, but I really want to get back to filming.  But in the meantime, check out some of the awesomeness that I've been covering over there (I reviewed the new NARS collection and it's stunning!!).

May Goals - life

  1. Get focused.  I've been feeling super unfocused for the last month or so.  Last year this time I would have said that my main goal in life was to move to LA.  I still L-O-V-E LA, but moving is hard.  And expensive.  And I'm more or less content living in Oakland.  I still desperately miss my friends in NYC and would love a more lively social life, but my whole family is here and that is priceless.  Just yesterday we all got together to celebrate my grandma's 86th birthday and it reminded me why I moved here in the first place.  I'm not sure what the future will bring and I know that I can't control it regardless, but I'd like to have some sort of a plan or vision.  Whew that was a ramble, but that's just where I'm at these days.
  2. PURGE.  I've been making very small steps in organizing my room, but I need to get rid of some more things.  My condo is the biggest space I've ever lived in (outside of my mom's house), but I vowed that I would never fill it.  I don't want every nook and cranny crammed with junk, so I need to stay vigilant in the war against clutter.  The struggle against hoarding is real! It's so real.

And...I think that's about enough for goals!  I'm trying to be realistic and I have some pretty big ones to tackle this month. It's your turn!  Let me know if you have any goals this month.  Or better yet, share your tips for accomplishing goals!