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What To Buy at the Sephora VIB Sale

Today's the day!  For VIB Rouge members, the Sephora VIB Sale starts today, which means 15% off everything!  Here's the breakdown for the sale dates and discounts:

VIB Rouge: April 18 - April 24. 15% off with code ROUGESPRING

VIB: April 19 - April 24. 15% off with code VIBSPRING

BI: April 20 - April 24. 10% off with code BISPRING

Now to help you part with your money in the most efficient way possible, here are my recommendations by category:

skincare recommendations for the sephora vib sale

[xyz-ihs snippet="vib-cleansers"]

makeup recommendations for the sephora vib sale

Make sure you guys check out the widget below for more of my makeup picks.

 [xyz-ihs snippet="vib-makeup"]

other goodies to buy at the sephora vib sale

[xyz-ihs snippet="vib-extras"]

Let me know what you plan on buying!