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6 Things I've Learned From Blogging {2015 In Review}

With 2016 just days away, I decided to take a look back at all that I learned this year from blogging.what-ive-learned-from-blogging


1. Stepping out of my comfort zone is super scary, but so worth it.

This year, I focused more on developing my YouTube channel, and you have not known fear until you've watched yourself on video! It's terrifying. But it's also so cool, and incredibly rewarding, to make yourself vulnerable in a new and unexpected way.  They always say that "Nothing great comes from comfort zones," and I'd have to agree.  There are still some things that I've been afraid to try when it comes to this blog, but I'm planning to try them as well in 2016.

2. Practice makes perfect.

Another saying we've heard repeated a thousand times, but only because it's true.  When I first started this blog, I was so frustrated with editing my pictures.  I could never get them to turn out right.  But after editing dozens (if not hundreds) of pictures, I've finally figured out how to take and edit pictures to get them how I like them.  But it took a lot of time and many mistakes to get there.  Truthfully, I'm not "there" yet, but I'm happy with the improvements that I've made.

3. Creativity is life.

One of the worst things about growing up (besides bills and societal expectations to be "responsible"), is that we stop coloring outside of the lines.  We lose that magical thinking and become "realistic" and "practical."  Many of us have jobs (myself included) that aren't exactly creative, so over time, that ability gets buried.  One of my favorite parts of having a blog is that it gives me the chance to think about design and colors and layouts. And lipstick.  I get to create a tiny little space on the internet, and it's awesome.

4. Hobbies aren't just for kids.

As kids, we get to do things purely for fun.  Not because they'll pay our bills, not because we're supposed to, but simply for enjoyment.  Now, we work because we have bills.  We exercise because we're vain (at least that's my reason).  But, it's crucial to have things we do simply because we like to do them.  For me, this blog is one of those things, and I think it's added something special to my life.  I encourage you all to identify and cultivate a certified hobby.  Do it for fun and do it often.

If you're looking for inspiration, check out my friend's blog on taking up ballet as an adult - K Does Ballet.

5. The hustle is real.

Starting this blog and setting goals for what I want to achieve has strained my modest (ok, damn near non-existent) time management skills.  Trying to find time to photograph and edit pictures, write content, film and edit videos, test products and promote this blog is a full time job.  I've struggled to treat it as such because it really requires a level of organization and planning that sometimes feels beyond my reach.  I've learned that grouping similar tasks together is a great way to boost efficiency.  I've also learned how to break up larger projects into smaller tasks.  I'm still learning how to post consistently, but hey, nobody's perfect.

6. Good things take time.  Great things take even longer.

For some strange reason, I thought that I'd start a blog, and just like that I'd have thousands of visitors daily.  LOL.  But of course, just as learning any new skill takes time, so does developing a blog and a brand.  Developing this blog has taught me an amazing lesson in patience and perseverance.  Sometimes you have to trust that the effort you're putting in will yield the results you want even if you don't see it immediately.  Sort of like working out.  There is not quick fix to getting what you want - you just have to work hard at it, consistently and diligently.

This has been my biggest and most valuable lesson because it's something that I've finally accepted in other parts of my life as well.

Faith is taking the first step when you don't see the whole staircase. - MLK Jr.

I hope that 2016 is full of many first steps for all of us.  Happy New Year!