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2016 Style and Beauty Resolutions

There are so many things that I want to accomplish this year, some of which are downright overwhelming, but thinking about how I want to change my style is so exciting and fun.  In no particular order, here are the 7 {style and beauty related} things I want to accomplish this year.

1. Incorporate more feminine pieces to my look.

For anyone who knows me, this will seem pretty strange.  There was a time when you'd find me in something pink, ruffled and/or polka dotted nearly every single day.  But ever since I moved back to the Bay Area in 2014, my style has slowly become much more simple, modern and monochromatic.  To be honest, this doesn't mean it can't be feminine either, but somehow along the way, I stopped buying those super girly pieces (maybe because I'm getting older too!), and I have to admit that I miss them.  So here's to a pink and sparkly 2016!

2. Be more polished at work.

Now this will be a challenge.  The Bay Area is much more casual than New York, and now that I'm working at a tech company, I can pretty much wear whatever I want.  It's awesome!  But sometimes I miss actually looking like a professional, working adult.  So I'm going to try to find a balance in my work wardrobe, so that I still fit in with my company's culture, but also look just a bit more polished.

3. Get regular facials.

So this is actually a repeat of one of last year's resolutions (see the full list here), but I realized that I didn't get a single facial in all of 2015.  Not cool.  Since I'm focusing more and more on anti-aging and dealing with hyper pigmentation, I figure that regular facials will definitely help with this.  If anyone has recommendations in the Bay Area, please let me know in the comments!

4. Find a hair regimen.

This is another repeat from last year, but slightly different.  I've re-committed to embracing my natural hair, so I really need to figure out the best products for me.  You can expect more hair care product reviews here as I try new things.

5. Invest in classic accessories.

This year, I want to get some nice belts and a good leather tote bag.  These are things that I'll wear often, so it makes sense for me to spend a bit more so they'll last longer.

6. Buy a couple of going-out tops.

I don't really go out much, but when I do, I reach for the same one or two tops that go with everything and are always appropriate.  I need to do better.  This year, I'll be on the lookout for tops that are casual but a little sexy too, so expect some shopping guides on what I discover in the near future!

7. Be more confident.

We all know that confidence is the most attractive thing anyone can wear, so I plan to put this on daily.

What are your resolutions?  I'd love to hear them, so share them in the comments below!